The Best Massage Therapists in Los Angeles to Get Rid of Back and Neck Pain

Best Neuromuscular Trigger Point Massage in Los Angeles: Myofascial Pain: A Sticky Subject 

The term ‘myofascial pain’ is fairly common (and getting more so) but not that many people have a clear idea of what it means. Here’s what it means: the ‘fascia’ are like envelopes of slick tissue that surround almost every part of our internal body. Imagine the thin, clear layer you can often find in top of a skinless chicken breast. ‘Myofascia’ means ‘fascia around your muscles’ — so ‘myofascial pain’ is ‘pain caused by a problem with the tissues that envelop your muscles.’ This happens most often when small tears in the myofascia cause them to adhere to nearby other tissues. Massage or other forms of directed pressure can release the adherence and thus allow the myofascia to return to their proper place, as well as directly releasing the trigger points at the source of pain.  If you want to get lasting relief from back pain, neck pain, sciatica, and more, then call and book neuromuscular massage today!

Academy of American Family Physicians, February 2002

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Pain Management in Los Angeles: On-Site Massage Care Could Benefit Employers.

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A recent report explored the benefits of employing a massage therapist part-time to provide on-site wellness care for one day each week. The investigators found that employees who utilized on-site massage care had work absenteeism rates lower than industry norms.

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Mental Attitude: Sleep Apnea May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk.

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Past research has linked the accumulation of amyloid plaque in the brain with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, researchers analyzed spinal fluid samples from 208 older men and women without dementia and found signs that indicated the presence of brain plaque in the samples taken from those with sleep apnea. This concerns researchers, as some estimates indicate that half of the elderly population suffers from sleep apnea of varying severity. The findings suggest that treating sleep apnea could help reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, November 2017

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Health Alert: Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Alzheimer’s Risk.

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Poor vitamin D levels have been linked with a number of negative health outcomes. Now, a new study indicates that seniors with deficient vitamin D levels may have an elevated risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The study used data from the French Three-City Bordeaux study concerning 916 non-demented seniors whom researchers followed for twelve years. They found that participants who consistently had deficient vitamin D blood levels had a 2.85-times greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease than those who maintained adequate vitamin D levels.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia, November 2017

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Diet: A Healthier Diet Could Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk for Some Women.

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In this study, researchers advised over 46,000 overweight and obese women, aged 50 to 79, who normally consumed a high-fat diet to either eat less fat and more fruits, vegetables, and grains or continue their normal diet. Fifteen years later, they found the women who received education about eating a healthier diet had a 17% lower risk for developing pancreatic cancer than those who continued to maintain a high-fat diet.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute, November 2017

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Exercise in Los Angeles: Is Biking to Work as Effective as Leisure Time Exercise?

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In this study, researchers assigned 130 overweight people to one of four groups: a cycling group, a moderate-intensity leisure-time exercise group, a high-intensity leisure-time exercise group, and a control group that did not exercise. The cycling group rode an average of 8.7 miles (14 kg) per day, the high-intensity group exercised about 35 minutes per day, and the moderate-intensity group exercised for around 55 minutes a day. After six months, the researchers calculated that the total energy expenditure was the same in all three exercise groups and all exercise participants lost between 9-10 lbs (4.08-4.53 kg). The findings suggest the riding a bike to work would be a time-effective solution to lose weight and become more physically active.

International Journal of Obesity, October 2017

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Wellness/Prevention: Oral Cancer Signs & Symptoms.

Oral cancer accounts for about 3% of all cancer cases each year and it is often diagnosed between the age of 55 and 64. According to the American Dental Association, oral cancer symptoms may include the following: a mouth sore or irritation that doesn’t resolve within three weeks; red or white patches; a lump, rough spot on usually smooth areas of the mouth; unexplained ear or throat trouble; and frequent hoarseness while talking. If you have these symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider.

American Dental Association, November 2017

“If you believe you can, you might. If you know you can, you will.” ~ Steve Maraboli

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Neuromuscular Massage Therapists

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Massage Revolution & Therapeutic Massage Los Angeles offers all types of massage services to help you live relaxed, rejuvenated, and pain-free. We proudly serve the South Bay cities including Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, El Segundo, Playa Del Rey, Westside (Santa Monica, Culver City, Venice, etc) and surrounding Los Angeles areas.

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