Tag Archives: trigger points

Not A Fan Of Knots? Try Trigger Point Massage Therapy

While people often say they have a knot in their muscle, the muscle fibers are not actually twisted and looped together. These knots are often trigger points, or tiny spasms in your muscles. Some people only have a few, while others have dozens. Some may be inactive, but when they[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

Eliminate Pain From Your Orbit With Trigger Point Massage Therapy

If you often feel pain in your neck, back or elsewhere but cannot figure out the cause of the problem, trigger points may be the culprit. Trigger points are tiny, painful spasms in the muscle and they can cause stiffness, tingling and other sensations, not just at the site of[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

Pain Matters: Trigger Point Massage Therapy

Trigger points are sensitive areas in your muscles, and are both a cause and a result of pain in the low back and elsewhere in the body. While the pain is usually not dangerous, meaning it is unlikely to cause serious harm, the day-to-day misery of headaches or a sore[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

Trigger Point Massage Therapy Relieves Chronic Back And Neck Pain

Chronic pain is pain that goes on for weeks, months, or even years. Trigger points in neck and back muscles are sore or sensitive spots in the body that are implicated in a number of common chronic pain complaints including low back pain, neck pain, migraines, frozen shoulder and sciatica[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

Trigger Point Massage Therapy— Gain By Losing The Pain

Did you know that trigger points are far and away the most common cause of pain in your back and neck muscles, as well as elsewhere in the body? Neuromuscular massage and trigger point therapy can release these sore spots, restoring your muscles to their natural, pain-free state.[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

What is Trigger Point Massage Therapy?

Scientists may not know what causes trigger points or even exactly what they are, but one thing everyone can agree on is that trigger points hurt, and the solution is often trigger point massage.[...]
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