Tag Archives: Massage Revolution

Pain Matters: Trigger Point Massage Therapy

Trigger points are sensitive areas in your muscles, and are both a cause and a result of pain in the low back and elsewhere in the body. While the pain is usually not dangerous, meaning it is unlikely to cause serious harm, the day-to-day misery of headaches or a sore[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

CBD Massage – Secret Benefits for Pain Relief

Cannabidiol or CBD is an extract of the cannabis plant. It has been proven in clinical studies to offer anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. CBD may also be blended with other well-documented pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory supplements such as arnica and turmeric for maximum pain relief. Many conditions can be alleviated by a[...]
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What is Trigger Point Massage Therapy?

Scientists may not know what causes trigger points or even exactly what they are, but one thing everyone can agree on is that trigger points hurt, and the solution is often trigger point massage.[...]
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Natural Relief of Causes of Migraine Headaches

Do you get frequent headaches or migraines? Do you wake up in the morning with neck pain after sleeping? Do you have pain in the front of the neck? If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of these questions, Massage Revolution here in Manhattan Beach can help clarify many[...]
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FILED UNDER: Blog, Headaches

The Best Treatment for Back Pains

Think surgery is the answer for chronic low back pain? Think again. High quality, advance massage therapy and bodywork is where it’s at. No knives, no drugs; just effective, natural evidence-based pain relief. Back pains are the number one cause of disability around the world, preventing many people from being[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog

Back Pains: Why Do I Need Maintenance Care?

The pain in the lower left side of your back has you down, and you’ve missed work again. It seems every day you deal with some level of aching, soreness, and decreased range of motion. But today it’s excruciating. As you pick up your phone you think, “I should have[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog

Deep Tissue Massage Helps Heal Muscle Stiffness – Manhattan Beach, CA

Deep muscle tissue can become stiff and painful when you move your body incorrectly, when it is repeatedly stretched, has trigger points, or used repetitively in exercise or sports. Essentially, when this happens stiffness and trigger points can restrict range of motion because of the pain that results when you[...]
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