Tag Archives: Frozen shoulder

Trigger Point Massage Therapy Relieves Chronic Back And Neck Pain

Chronic pain is pain that goes on for weeks, months, or even years. Trigger points in neck and back muscles are sore or sensitive spots in the body that are implicated in a number of common chronic pain complaints including low back pain, neck pain, migraines, frozen shoulder and sciatica[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy For Shoulder Pain

Frozen shoulder is a condition causing severe pain. It involves sudden onset of pain caused by a series of muscles tightening in the shoulder area. The underlying cause does not materialize abruptly. The condition is due to a muscular imbalance rooted from numerous factors with the most common being strains[...]
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FILED UNDER: Back Pain, Blog, Neck Pain