Even pre-pandemic, there was a major spike in repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) corresponding to the increased use of computers, mobile devices and work-related stress. According to OSHA, RSIs are the country’s most common occupational health problem. They’re also the most costly. RSIs affect hundreds of thousands of Americans every year at an annual cost of more than $20 billion in workers compensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common forms of RSI. CTS can be a frustrating and downright debilitation condition, and unfortunately, a lot of doctors don’t know how to deal with it. They may prescribe drugs or recommend surgery, but there is a 100% natural and effective way to deal with CTS: trigger point massage therapy.
Let’s first define our terms. Trigger points are microscopic cramps in muscles that cause stiffness, pain and reduced mobility. They frequently cause pain in back and neck muscles, but trigger points can send a zinger anywhere. A trigger point in your neck, back or shoulder can create pain in your arm, wrist or hand.
A common cause of trigger points is repetitive motion. But while the exact cause of CTS isn’t always clear, you certainly know when you’ve got shooting pain in your arm or hand. Doctors are often at a loss about what to do besides whip out the prescription pad, but there is a better way to deal with the problem. It’s called trigger point massage therapy.
The neuromuscular massage therapists at The Back & Neck Relief Center are rated number one in Los Angeles. We’re here to help you with carpal tunnel syndrome, and any other problem caused by trigger points including but not limited to pain in back and neck muscles, migraines, even general fatigue. While most of our clients experience amazing relief after just one session, when it comes to repetitive injuries, you may prefer to schedule regular appointments to stay on top of the issue. Whichever way you decide to go, know that you have a drug-free, surgery-free option to handle your problem. With trigger point massage therapy, you can set yourself free from pain. Call us today.
You May Be A Candidate For Neuromuscular Massage Or Trigger Point Therapy For Trigger Point Pain!
500 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite 101
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266