Want the Best Rolfing Los Angeles Offers?
Rolfing is a therapy system created by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (also referred to as “RISI”), founded by Ida Rolf in 1971. The Institute states that Rolfing is a “holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organize(s) the whole body in gravity”.
Rolfing is essentially identical to Structural Integration, whereby manipulation of the muscle fascia is believed to yield therapeutic benefits, including that clients stand straighter, gain height and move better, through the correction of soft tissue fixations.
Only practitioners certified by RISI can use the title “Rolfer,” or practice “Rolfing,” due to service mark ownership. The Guild for Structural Integration is the other certifying body, whose graduates use the title “Practitioners of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolfing
Get Started Today with Rolfing
It’s very likely you deal with life’s everyday stresses, aches and pains, and you want the best Rolfing therapists in all of Los Angeles, CA to take care of your specific needs. You want your Rolfing therapist to listen and understand what you need, where your tension, aches and pains are, and exactly the style of Rolfing and pressure you like. You want your Rolfing in Los Angeles to be personalized, customized, so it’s uniquely catered to your needs, your muscle, your posture, and your specific aches and pains.
If you are a little hesitant to try a new massage center, you don’t have to worry about this at Massage Revolution as all our Rolfing therapists are highly trained to take care of you.
We truly do stand behind our “Best Massage Guarantee,” so if for ANY reason you don’t love your Rolfing treatment, and feel great, more relaxed, and relieved from your aches and pains, your next massage is truly FREE!