Did you know massage therapy is rapidly rising as an alternative to surgery for numerous painful ailments to include severe muscle pain? Painful muscle “trigger points” are activated when a muscle is overused or traumatized. The resulting inflammation from muscle overuse or trauma causes pain within the affected muscle. Trigger point pain periodically is miscommunicated by the brain and erroneously assigned to another site of the body. In some cases, trigger point pain can only be correctly isolated by specialists like massage professionals.
Trigger point therapy performed by trained massage therapists is the current rave within the pain management industry. This type of remedial massage directly put pressure to targeted points on tender muscle tissue. Often compromised muscles are weaker and cannot extend to their full range of motion, therefore, other muscles are compelled to action. Muscles compelled to perform tasks they normally do not accomplish can compound pain by creating new trigger points themselves. By applying direct pressure to trigger points through trigger point massage, you are promoting sufficient blood circulation to the area and flushing away toxins. The trick is always to accurately define the precise location of the trigger points and to apply the correct level and type of massage pressure to the same.
At Massage Revolution here in Los Angeles, on a daily basis we treat patients with severe muscle pain. Although treatment varies from patient to patient, we are proud to produce realized pain relief in as little as a single treatment.
To find out more about trigger point therapy, contact Massage Revolution.